1. Objectives of the study:
Establishing theoretical and practical foundations, and propose Environment Code framework (scope, subjects, principles, structure and main contents) in accordance with socialist-oriented market economy institution.
2. Target and scope of research
- Research target:
Research domestic and international projects; policies, guidelines, and regulations of the Communist Party and the State on the management and protection of the environment; the relationship of mutual influences among the strategies of sustainable development, socio-economic development, sectors development, regions development, and environmental protection management.
- Scope of the study: At national scale, in 03 years (2011 – 2013).
3. Research Methodology:
Apply a variety of methods, combining policy analysis with practical investigation, statistics, surveys, analysis of secondary data, and some other research methods.
4. Research content:
- Research theoretical basis for management and protection of the environment in the market economy and the application in practice in the country;
- Investigate, analyze and evaluate the overall situation of management and protection of the environmental in Vietnam, to identify shortcomings and contents need to be adjusted or improved;
- Research and analysis of the domestic and international contexts; economic - social, sectors and geographical areas development trends; identify major environmental problems, challenges and opportunities for the management and protection of the environment in our country;
- Research, analyze relationships, and detect overlappings, conflicts between environmental and other concerned areas legislation;
- Empirical research on the management and protection of the environment and environmental laws of some countries in the world;
- Recommended environmental management and protection approaches in line with socialist-oriented market economy institution; the scope of regulation, the principles, the structure, contents and plans to build Environment Code in our country.
5. Achievements:
- Profile information, survey documents, and thematic synthesis reports.
- Project outcomes will be transferred to a number of legislative agencies to serve for the purposes of current legislation amendments and preparation of draft Environment Code project.
6. Result of acceptance:
- Approved.
- Result: Excellent
7. Duration of the project: 36 months (January 2011 to December 2013
8. Principal investigator: Dr. Nguyen Van Tai
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