Director of ISPONRE Nguyen The Chinh gave opening remarks to all participants
The workshop was organized under the framework of the project ''Capacity Building for Implementing Rio Conventions’’. This project is currently supported by Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented from 2015 to 2017. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is the main entity that assigns the role of undertaking the project to ISPONRE. To be more specific, the aim of the project is to build capacity on implementing Rio Conventions through devising and adopting various tools that help to achieve global environmental goals. Accordingly, tools for evaluating ecosystem services will then be provided to integrate environmental issues into planning process at national and local levels.
After the presentation there were a few threats to the services identified by groups of representatives, specifically ecosystem services with agriculture in Vinh Phuc, ecosystem services with industry in Hai Duong and essential ecosystem services in Hanoi.
It is claimed that the next training workshop will be launched in Thanh Hoa on November 3th 2016.
Center for Information, Consultancy and Training
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